It's Christmas week and that time of the year to remember the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the true reason of the season and to think that the Lord God Almighty would humble himself and take the form of a man so that he might pay the price required by sin is simply mind-blowing. He knew we could not do it and so full of love and compassion for his creation, he was not about to just let it go.
God has done so much for me this year I could write a novel about it. Speaking of which, the novel I wrote Battle Cry: Adventures in the Kingdom of Heaven is on the verge of releasing through Lighthouse Christian Publishing. The editing and typesetting is complete. Now it is just a matter of cover art design and final last-minute details. A release date should be determine very shortly after the cover art is finished and approved.
My 2nd to last semester at UTEP as an Undergraduate went well. I had some tough classes but I ended up with two B's and a C which is about what I was expecting. Next semester is my finale, and I will be taking my last two Computer Science Classes and a math course which will help with me going into teaching. Then graduation in May.
Next semester is also going to be the grand finale for me with two student organizations I am with. Intervarsity is picking up speed with growth and involvement and we are going open up the semester by bringing in Steve Lillis, a profession pool play who uses trick shots to present the Gospel for a show early in the semester. Also, the Fencing Team is growing and we are preparing for a huge collegiate tournament in Chicago in April. SO I am going to be ending my undergrad collegiate career with a bang.
And finally, I am exploring a possible opportunity to continue to develop and practice my fencing ministry. This past weekend, the director of Teen Challenge El Paso spoke at my Church's Men's Breakfast Meeting and he is interested in having me speak for them at some point. I sent them an e-mail with more details about what I do and am waiting for a response. Pray for God's direction with this possible opportunity.