Friday, October 12, 2012

Biblical Doctrines Rooted In Genesis

Today, no passage of Scripture is attacked more frequently than the Book of Genesis. With the rise of the Darwinian Theory of Evolution, there are many attacks on the historical accuracy and meaning of the book that lays the foundation of the Christian faith. And for enemies of Christianity, this is the perfect strategy. Satan knows better than any of us that if you remove the foundation of Christianity, then the Gospel of Christ himself will topple. When a comprehensive study of Genesis is done, one should realize that every major doctrine in Christianity has at the least a mention or shadow in the book of Genesis and the bulk of the concentration of those doctrines are based in Genesis 1-11, which are the most hotly contested chapters.

  What are these doctrines? And do all of them really have roots in Genesis? Below is a table of 32 doctrines, some minor and some major, that play a large role in Christianity. This list is not comprehensive as this was off the top of my head via a quick scan through Genesis, but it should stand out that Genesis is perhaps the most important book of the Bible. Without Genesis being historical fact, the meaning of Christ's death and resurrection is completely lost. So here is the table.

    The Major (and some Minor) Biblical Doctrines Rooted in Genesis

    7-day week
    Genesis 1
    Genesis 2:2-3
    Man's Dominion over Creation
    Genesis 1:28
    Man Made in God's Image
    Genesis 1:26-27
    The Trinity
    Genesis 1:26
    A Perfect Creation
    Genesis 1:31
    Genesis 1:26-27; 2:24
    Genesis 2:15
    Choice to Worship God
    Genesis 2:17
    Genesis 3
    Genesis 2:17; 3:17; 3:22
    Genesis 3:7; 3:21
    Blood as payment for Sin
    Genesis 3:21
    The Promise of a Savior
    Genesis 3:15
    Marriage Roles
    Genesis 3:16
    Toil,Thorns,Cursed Creation
    Genesis 3:17-19
    Animal Sacrifice
    Genesis 3:21; 4:3-4
    WorldWide Judgment of Sin
    Genesis 6-8
    Genesis 6-8
    Rainbow Promise
    Genesis 9:13-15
    One Human Race
    Genesis 5,10,11
    Call to the Promised Land
    Genesis 12:1
    Promise of Israel
    Genesis 12:2
    Blessing/Curses on Israel
    Genesis 12:3
    Jesus of the Order of Melchizedek
    Genesis 14:8
    Genesis 14:20
    Genesis 17:11
    Genesis 18:23-33
    Jesus, the Willing/Final Sacrifice
    Genesis 22
    Genesis 21; 25:31-34; 27
    Genesis 37; 40; 41
    God works ALL things for the Good of those who Love him, called to his purpose
    Genesis 37;39; 41

What is also important to notice and I may compile this at a later time, is that every one of these doctrines ALSO have a fulfillment in Revelation and the End Times. Just a couple examples. The animal sacrificed to cover Adam and Eve's sin and the doctrine that we are all one human race are depicted in Revelation 5. Marriage is fulfilled in the relationship between Jesus Christ and the church. Not all details are given in each of these mentions but there is a reference or picture of these doctrines in both Genesis and Revelation.

 How well do we really understand our own beliefs and what are the roots that enable them to hold strong in the face of opposition? The entire Gospel Message of Jesus Christ points to Genesis for its foundation and points forward to Revelation 21-22 when God's Epic Story of Redemption concludes. That will be a glorious day for some but the worst nightmare for many others. As Christians we cannot pick and choose which doctrines we want to believe or not. We must take the complete package. And to understand that package, we must understand why and what makes the Gospel of Christ so compelling. You will notice that 21 of these 32 doctrines (again, NOT comprehensive) are rooted in the most attacked Chapters of the Bible in Genesis 1-11. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to lay our foundation for which we can build our faith. The building that is not built on a solid foundation will sink and collapse when the storm comes (Matthew 7), but if built on a solid foundation, it will withstand any storm. Too many Christians have no foundation for their faith because they reject or overlook Genesis. So do so to avoid controversy, but others try to interpret Genesis to support a theory that simply does not line up with this list of doctrines. As Christians, we often need to return to our roots and rediscover our first love. If we do not do this, we lose sight of what sin really did to wreck up the earth. And when we lose sight of that, we also lose sight of the real redemptive and overcoming power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When sin is belittled, so is the effect of Christ's deed at the cross. And this is something that I too am still learning and trying to grasp. As Paul learned in his life, the more we learn about God, the more we realize how much sin has done to us and how much we still live like we love the sin. But the closer we get to God, the more we realize what Jesus did for us and what he suffered for us.

It all starts in Genesis. The central focus is Christ and the Cross. And it will all end in Revelation. Like every story that has a beginning, middle, and end, the Bible is the ultimate story that is true and will end soon. But it will not be a happy ending for all. Those who reject the Gospel of Christ will not enjoy the pleasure of heaven but are already doomed and destined for the pits of hell (John 3:18). Jesus came to rescue us, but it is our choice to leave the cage with him or to stay back in the chains of sin. And that redemption and rescue would not happen if the doctrines of a perfect world (Genesis 1-2) and the entrance of sin (Genesis 3) into that perfect world did not happen. Adam and Eve were give a choice between life and death via the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now we are give the choice between life and death via the covering and remission of sin via the Blood of Jesus Christ. I have chosen to make Jesus my Lord and Savior. I am covered and bought from sin and will join God in heaven in the appointed time. Where will you spend eternity?