What does it take to be listed as one of "God's Mighty Men"? My last couple posts have been about rising up to the task that God is placing before us. But what I am talking about is not just enlisting in God's army. I am talking about reaching that highest tier of that army. The examples we have of this upper tier is David's Mighty Men listed in 2 Samuel 23. David had a whole army of men that would fight and die for him, but of that army only 37 are listed as the elite of the elite. These 37 men were David's closest companions. They got to hear his inner desires. In 2 Samuel 23, three of these men heard David crying out in the Cave of Abdullam wanting a drink of water from the well at Bethlehem, his home town. They went out on their own, broke through a Philistine garrison, which occupied Bethlehem at the time, got the water and returned to David. Another stood his ground and slew 800 men. Another yet defending a field until his hand grew so tired it actually clung to his sword and he could not let it go. Another sneaked into Saul's camp with David, slipped into where Saul slept along with his personal guard, and stole Saul's personal spear and water skin.
The list of the stories of David's Mighty Men continue goes. But these stories often have the appearance of those of legends and myths. These stories are not mere myths and exaggerated legends. These stories are historical fact. They actually happened. And because they actually happened, what they did physically is something that we can seek to do spiritually. Every one of us has the opportunity to stand and join our King in the battles we face and to one day be listed among his Mighty Men (or Women). I am not saying that in order to be saved we must be one of these men (or women), but I am saying that as a born-again Christian, we have the opportunity to be one of these men (or women).
What does it take to be counted on this list? To understand this, we must look at what David's Mighty Men did. They did not win great battles to become among his Mighty Men. They already were his Mighty Men. David's Mighty Men were 100% loyal to David. They did not question him. They went out of their way to serve the needs of their king. They did not care about life or limb or their own safety. They would readily lay down their lives for the sake of another. They did not fear the ruling authority. Remember, at this time, Saul was still King of Israel and while David was anointed to be the next king, Saul was out to preserve his family line. David's Mighty Men joined the one true king at the cost of risking their lives and their families' lives. David not only had to survive Saul's hunting, but he also had wars to fight with the neighboring tribes such as Egypt, the Philistines, the Ammonites, and many others. They likely had bounties on their heads. If they had families, they would have to keep them on the move. They had to hide out in caves, and could not live in their homes. But yet, they remained steadfast because they were in the presence of the king.
One important thing to note was that because David was anointed to be the next king, the only thing that would prevent him from becoming that king was his own choices in terms of his obedience to God. The enemy could not touch him. Look at the exploits of his men. They fought giants. They killed hundreds of men. They killed lions and bears with their bare hands. Where is that kind of drive? Where is that kind of courage today? They did not consider the impossibilities. They did not think about the "What would happen if we fail?". They saw their goal and they sought to get it done and NOTHING was going to get in their way. I'm not 100% sure about the source here, but I think it was William Carey who said, "I am immortal until I have done everything that God has in store for me do to." As long as William Carey was in God's will, nothing could touch him until he completed God's plans for him. Where is that mentality today?
We need men and women to rise up and be counted as Christ's Mighty Men (and Women). There are some that are seeking that position. Eric Ludy is one. I seek to be one as well. I am not in that level where I could be considered on that Mighty Men list. I am definitely in the army, perhaps has a Captain or General in training, but to be on that list of 37 (there is no cap space on this one)? That is what I want to be. I want to be in a position where God could tell me his deep thoughts as he did with Abraham and as he did with David and as he did with Moses. Am I willing to toss aside the luxuries and comforts of life to get more God? It does not mean he will do so right at this time, but am I willing? I live in the desert and AC is a luxury. Am I willing to go without it? Am I willing to face impossible odds for whatever task God wants me to do? Am I willing to face down giants and charge into battle against the armies of the spiritual enemies we face? Am I willing to put my life on the line, even to the point of death, to serve my King? Many of us will not be able to say yes to these questions. In some of them, I can say yes without a second thought. But some of them, I must be honest and say I am not there yet. Until I can answer yes to all of these questions and those like it, I will not be listed with Christ's Mighty Men. To be in the presence of the King, to go with him into battle, to be able to hear his deep secrets that he wants to share with us, and to be counted on in 100% obedience, that is the goal. It is possible to reach that place. Several have already made the list. Amy Carmichael. William Booth. William Carey. David Brainard. C.T. Studd. David Livingston. If God has a list equivalent to David's Mighty Men, these people would be on it. These are not perfect men or women. Neither we David's Men. David himself was no angel. But which of us are going to make that step to get in closer to God? Which of us will risk it all to prove our God faithful without fear of possible failure? I want to be able to say I am one who will do it.
David's Mighty Men had to start somewhere. They did not just become his Mighty Men overnight. I'm just getting started on this journey to a much deeper level. It is going to be long. It is going to be hard. But I see the prize: intimate fellowship with the King. I don't want to wait until heaven to really get to know my King. I want to know him here and now. And if this is a journey I must take alone, so be it. But I challenge my readers to join me in this journey. It does not matter what happens to my body. As long as I obey God and seek after him and rest in his will, I will be invincible until I have done all that needs to be done. If what I need to do is endure physical torture and execution, then so be it. I obey, God wins. And that is the only victory that matters. I want to be like Stephen who saw the God of Heaven standing at the throne as he was being stoned. God was giving Stephen a standing ovation, even though it came at the cost of Stephen's life. I want to hear that line "Well done, Good and Faithful Servant." I can go on and on and on. But God is issuing a challenge. Will we rise up to it? God will never give us any task without first equipping us for it. And he will be with us, going before, staying behind, and covering our flanks. I am going to stand up and say "Send me." Which of you will do so as well?
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