Today is Independence Day for the Unites States. While I am not please with the direction this nation is going, I have to give God thanks for placing me in this country where I have to freedom to express myself and to worship Jesus Christ freely without fear of government oppression. I do believe that time is limited and I have taken for granted this freedom too often. It is frustrating to see the hate and mockery spewed towards Christians, but I have to remember that the freedom I enjoy both enables them to do what they do, but it also enables me to do what I do. I also recognize that if the people who hate Christianity so much are barred legally from doing so, it would be a precedent that would end up being only used against Christians. That is the reality that we face. We live in a world that loves their sin, that wants to do things their way, and do not want to hear or see of the things of God. I often hear people talk about how the US was founded on Christian principles and I do believe that to be true. But reality is we live in hostile territory. We live in enemy territory with an enemy that hates us with a spirit and passion that most of us don't understand. And regardless of political pressures, it is our job as Christians to share the Good News and bring God's message as his Ambassadors into this fallen worldly system.
And this month I will get two opportunities to express this freedom we have in the US. On Tuesday, July 23, I will be interviewed on a new internet radio show for Christian writers. The show, The Write Stuff, started this week and runs on Tuesdays at 5:00pm Mountain time.I will be interviewed about my testimony, my fencing ministry, and about my journey as an author. I will be posting details about it as we get closer to that time. Then at the very end of the month, Wednesday evening on July 31, I will get the privilege to preach at my church. We are having a Wednesday night service throughout the summer for the purpose of evangelism and inviting non-believers to come to church in a more family-friendly environment. On the last date of those summer services, I will bring my fencing gear and bring a message about spiritual warfare. But I won't be merely talking about theory. I will be preaching on down to earth practical stuff, as I use the moves I do in competition as a visual demonstration of practical life lessons. I will only have 20 minutes which will be a challenge for me to determine what to include and what not to include. Since the last time I gave my presentation, I have picked up some new things so some of the material I will be using is brand new. The service that day will end with a baptism and I am praying and seeking how to use that moment for part of my sermon. I am really excited about these two opportunities.
God has been really good and there is far more to what God has in store for me than I know of at this time. I am enjoying the ride he has put me on. There are highs and there are lows. I feel like I have been in a low after coming back from the Colorado Christian Writer's Conference last month and with my birthday. I recognize the spiritual battle going on as I am seeking to take my faith to a deeper level. And the enemy has been waging war against me as I strive to head that direction. And laziness has been rearing its ugly head. It's a battle I must push through to overcome and it won't be an easy fight. But I know who has the ultimate victory and I have declared my allegiance to the King of Kings who will not lose. And as I use my speaking skills later this month, it will be God who gets the glory. I know none of what I will be sharing in the interview and when I preach is from me directly. It is all from God so all I can do it give it back to him. It is going to be a great to see God move.
Nice share, thanks for posting