# 5 of 6
The sword was one of the first weapons man created and is a legendary icon in the history of the world. The sword is not just an instrument of war. It is a symbol of loyalty, knighthood, position, and nobility. Blacksmiths would spend years perfecting thier craft to make blades that would last generations. A sword would be carried down the family line to the eldest son. Many peasants didn't have swords, as they would be too expensive and swords were often only carried by those who had a standing in the kingdom. A sword is also a symbol of defense. To carry a sword, meant the wielder was armed and able to defend himself. Swords have been used in numerous ceremonies from awarding knighthood to cutting the cake at a wedding. In the Crusades, swords were given a cross hilt to represent the cross of Jesus. This reminded the knights that they fought for more than the cause of their king, but also for the King of Kings.
Today, swords have lost thier luster in the battlefield due to the rise of firearms. But they still remain icons in nearly every culture. It is hard to find a boy that does not want to play with swords at some point. Swords are kept in memory through movies, through sports like fencing and some martial arts, and through reinactment groups such as the SCA. The weapon has come from more than just a killing weapon into an art form. But no matter where you turn, every culture has numerous connections both modern and historical to the use of the sword.
In Ephesians, Paul described the Sword of the Spirit as the Word of God. Throughout prophetic scriptures, like Revelation, an image of a sword coming out of a mouth is frequently seen. Even Proverbs describe words acting like swords. Revelation 12:11 describes the Word of our Testimony as a weapon with which the saints will defeat the dragon. The sword in our spiritual war is the Word. Hebrews 4:12 describes the Word of God to be living and acting, sharper than any two-edged sword. Ephesians refers to the breathed, spoken Word of God, Rhema. Hebrews talks about the complete Word of God, Logos. So boths aspects to the 'Word' of God are described as swords. What is truly amazing about the Sword of the Spirit, is that it is living and active. God tells us we don't need to worry about what to say when we are brought before the kings and rulers, because the Spirit will give us the words to say. In this context, we learn that the Sword we wield will fight the battle for us, and all we have to do is hold on to it. The swords used in battle are not alive and if you let go of them, they drop to the ground. But the Sword of the Spirit is alive and it will fight for us. It is the offensive weapon we have against the forces of darkness and it is a weapon that the enemy fears with the utmost respect.
Next post will be the last of this series: the Helmet of Salvation
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